Ballroom Dance Classes
Ballroom dancing has made an unprecedented comeback these days and the dream of gliding along the dance floor with utter grace and poise can be realized by even the most tenderfoot enthusiasts.
As its popularity is growing, ballroom dancing facilities are steadily increasing in number across the United States as well. The thing is, enrolling in ballroom dancing classes can be quite a burden on your wallet. There are even courses offered nowadays that fetch up to a thousand bucks for a few sessions!
Luckily, there are ways to learn all the moves you need to shake and groove like a pro without emptying your bank account. Get ready to put your dancing shoes on since you’re on your way to take your ballroom dance know-how to a whole new higher level once you finish this spread.
Use the Internet as a tool. Make sure you research online for ballroom dance classes offered by colleges and universities in your area. Besides having a much cheaper rate, there are even some academe-based ballroom dance courses that are given for free.
Browse for videos. The worldwide web is so full of information that you can even watch clips of ballroom dance classes free of charge. Although this may not seem as efficient as practicing with another dancer, having a preview of the basics should teach you a valuable lesson or two. However, free ballroom dance lessons may only get you so far so keep that in mind.
Trade your skills for dancing know-how. Why pay for ballroom dance classes when you can find friends and family that can teach you the basics? Alternatively, with online “skill swaps” trending rather prevalently these days, you can learn a couple of ballroom dance moves in return for something you’re really good at like cooking or gardening.
Fire up the DVD Player. The popularity of the hit reality TV shows such as So You Think You Can Dance? and Dancing with the Stars paved the way for the production of a number of DVD’s that highlight ballroom dancing. You’ve got your problem solved when you don’t have enough cash for actual in-person ballroom dance classes but have extra money to spare for a great DVD course (like Learn and Master Dance) at home.
Join local dance parties. You don’t have to dish out a king’s ransom just to learn a cool ballroom dancing trick or two. How about spending the weekend joining dance parties at your local bar or gym? Besides practicing a few steps that you may have been waiting for a long time to show off in public, you’re guaranteed to have a great time as well.