Waltz Your Way To Intimacy

The first Waltz performed in England raised the eyebrows of church and state, but remained popular in social circles.  The dance was introduced to England in the early 1800′s.  The stately Waltz was the first dance calling for the male lead to hold his female partner in a closed position  as he led her through a series of bold steps and romantic movements.

In a successful Waltz, the movements of each dancer compliment the other.  The woman always mirrors the male’s leading steps.  The male leads the woman through boldly romantic steps, which explains why the dance has become so popular with brides or couples who want to share a memorable dance.

The waltz stems from a 17th century country folk dance developed in Austria and Bulgaria.  Versions of the dance began to spread throughout Europe in the middle of the 18th century.  These waltz’s original country folk dance roots explained the upbeat tempo of the lively dance.  Interest in the Viennese Waltz peaked in the Strauss era in the 1800′s.

When the waltz arrived in the U.S. in the mid 1800′s, composers slowed the pace.  Slower turns and longer gliding movements characterized the newest version, which was aptly name the Boston.  Enthusiasm for the Boston faded but evolved into the new American Style Waltz.

Ever since the English and Americans have branded their separate versions of the Slow Waltz.  The English changes resulted in the International Slow Waltz just as the American Style Waltz became distinguished for the dance’s more theatrical movements.

The Viennese Waltz, the International Waltz and the American Style Waltz remain compelling and popular dances.  Each embraces distinctive waltz qualities with turn and gliding motions unique to each version.  Whichever waltz the dancers select, the movements should be progressive with long, flowing movements continuous turns and the definite rise and fall actions all delivered in the strikingly romantic waltz position.

The American Waltz is performed to a slow tempo but features those theatrical solo spins and under arm movements.  The more flamboyant the waltz, the more American the waltz is.  The American Waltz tempo should be fluid and melodic.

The International Slow Waltz embraces long, flowing movements and emphasizes many turns that add drama to the dance.  The very slow tempo allows for powerful movements and retention of perfect form.

The Viennese Waltz is fast by comparison.  Johann Strauss is the most revered of Viennese Waltz composers.  The music is characterized by orchestral sounds and very little use of percussion instruments.  The movements are shorter and robust.

Whichever waltz you prefer, the position of the frame and the head are similar to all three varieties.  This proper positioning allows for the close quarter movements and glorious intimacy unique to a properly performed waltz.

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